"She still makes you those?"
"Hell yeah! They're the best! Anyway, there I was enjoying lunch when all of a sudden this man comes running into the construction site. He was really scared and was always looking back as if someone was following him."
"Did he say anything?"
"Not much. He babbled something about an experiment that went wrong and that he wasn't safe anymore."
"Yeah. I remember now. Me and the boys were coming back from the 7/11 when we saw you talking to him. So, what happened next?"
"Well, it was like I told you. He was babbling on about that experiment. Then he suddenly looked back and just froze. Like he'd seen a ghost or somethin'. I went to look but there was nothing there. When I came back, he was gone."
"And that's not the half of it. The next day the police came looking for a man that apparently matched his description. A short brown haired man, with a mustache and small glasses. He was gone missing from his home a few days back."
"Did you tell them about the experiment?"
"What experiment?"
"The one he was babbling about..."
"No. I guess they didn't ask. They just wanted to know if he passed by."
"And I told them that he passed by."
"The foreman was right, you do have 'worker potential'." [laughs]
"Laugh all you want, but that man wasn't running from a ghost. He had a look on his face... I don't know... like death had stared him in the eye."
"And how would you know that? Did the foreman show you?"[laughs]
"I saw it in a movie once. This man was hunted by an assassin. The assassin gave up on him, but he still was paranoid about everyone. I can borrow you the DVD if you want?"
"No thanks."
A whistle blew.
"That's it men, back to work."
"Ah, rats! I never get to finish my sandwich in time."
"That's because you talk too much. See you near the cement truck."
"Will do. After I finish my sandwich."
The other man left.
"Hey, Frankie! C'mon man, the boss is mad again. He sent me for you. How many of those things are you gonna eat?
Oh no..."
The air vibrated slightly as the second bullet hit it's target.