hell v.4
eternal damnation
-work in progress-
Some believe it is a place of unrest, fiery bottomless pits filling the scenery while never stopping moans haunt your every thought.
Things have been slightly exaggerated.
What you see here is not, it never was and simply can never be. Here everything becomes what you might think it is, thus you are mistaken.
At some point, fiery pits and loud moaning would provide for everyone's... eternal accommodation. Everything was dull, agonizingly painful and everyone complained about it. Perfect as it was, it became insufficient for some.
Some stopped moaning; pitiful smiles of gratification cranked out on their faces, and the minority became a majority. Their smiles turned, from a sick representation of false hope, into actual content.
They had lost track of their purpose of becoming.
My smile faded.
But it did not last, as nothing does here.
The pits of fire cooled down, the moaning all but stopped.
It became cold and silent.
Smiles froze in place as every head bowed to see it's reflection in the solid cold ice. Mouths cracked as smiles got rejected by faces all around. Blood broke free from the cracks and froze in place. It became beautifully painful once more.
My smile did as well.
Nothing lasts here. Eternal damnation is the only constant. Everything binds and twists around it.
Once enough understand that, changes begin to happen.
"Why should I be eternally damned when all others are the same. I'll be damned once more if I will not change that."
And they do change.
Wounds heal, blood is slowly washed away, cold numbness is tolerated; all because of some, but for many to follow.
Thus rarely happens, and it takes so long that when it does, it seems as if took an instant.
So many new, yet familiar, smiles appear; so few fade. Mine.
I cannot help but smile when I think of this; I know it will change, soon, to some twisted, macabre form of torture; as it should be.
And it did. It became something new, that which you see today.
Ice melted, water drained, and those pathetic smiles dripped away.
And from it all, a great flood that swept everything.
It became nothing.
Nor fire, nor ice. Nothing. :)
"Lose all hope of rising, those who sleep in the ever rocking cradle."
I say that to all new comers.
I say that often.
I said it just now to one new resident. He was smiling.
I cannot help but not to smile when I think of this; I know it will change once more, not soon; from what it became to some perverted form of self-accepted misery, self induced controlled pain. One more short lived plague of happiness.
And another, then another; always sure to be short, always sure to happen.
No bad deed goes unrewarded. An eternal accommodation which doesn't always make me smile. :|