Another post processing experiment done in gimp.
The first is a revisited post processed image; the flame is now in grayscale.
The second has suffered only 2 color transformations: invert and desaturate.
PS: Of the two, which one do you think is better?
How about this one?
The first one. Dar nu neaparat din cauza efectelor...
Pai din perspectiva efectelor eram interesat.
Oscilez intre cele 2 ca si candidat pentru un concurs de postprocesare foto.
They both seem way too blank. I'd suggest leaving the flame in its natural colour and turn the background to grayscale. But then again, I'm a sucker for warm tones. :D
Flame in natural color, background desaturated.
Still, I prefer the first one. :P
This new one seem too artificial. You'd expect the flame to shed orange light around the background, so the black & white seems a bit far off. Still, a good suggestion. :)
"You'd expect the flame to shed orange light around the background, so the black & white seems a bit far off."
Well...yeah. @_@ De-aia initial credeam ca si culoarea flacarii a fost prelucrata. Acuma ca ma uit putin pe net observ ca e destul de greu de creat efectul la care ma gandeam. Just candle sau match light nu e suficienta pe orice fundal ar fi. Trebuie evidentiate putin si elementele aflate chiar in apropiere. Like so:
Exemplul ala de pe net nu pare prelucrat. Cel putin nu la nivel de culoare.
Oricum, eu de obicei am tendinte "puriste", adica evit post procesarea si petrec mult timp la compozitia cadrului ce urmeaza sa-l imortalizez. Trag multe cadre, mai ajustez subiectul... de aici si pasiunea pentru macro. :P
Ah da, ca random note, fotografia castigatoare la un concurs international dedicat macro-urilor reprezenta un embrion de gaina. Too bad I can't find it on-line. :(
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