Thursday, June 18, 2009

a shady character

and a penny for your thoughts


Daianara said...

As I've said, it makes you look old. Which reminds me, people are never happy with their age. When they're young they wanna look older, when they're old, they wanna be young again. Beah, humans! Who can understand them?

devland said...

I guess I'll have to post a more youthful version of myself as well, though that may prove difficult. :P

And no, you're mistaken, age is only the pretext. Humans are usually unhappy with their state of mind.
Kids want to be mature, and adults want to be kids again. Age is only the convenient way of achieving that. :)

Daianara said...

Neah, I'm sure your mom has plenty of baby pictures. :P

devland said...

I was quite cute as a toddler. :P

Daianara said...

As we used to say back in the good days: Pics or it didn't happen! :P

devland said...

We'll be back tomorrow night with more on this story. [nu de alta dar in timp ce scriam asta eram la facultate si dovezile-s acasa :P]

Stay tuned! :)

devland said...

Here's your proof:


Daianara said...

I know I had light, curly hair as a kid and my mom kept a lock of it. *drifts in thought

devland said...

Pictures! Or it may have not happened. :P